Friday 4 June 2010

Food diary: Jamie's Italian

We went to have dinner at Jamie's Italian today, in St. David's. And yes, you assumed right, it is one of the many franchises using Jamie Oliver's name and recipes. And yes, it was AMAZING, to say the least... I am now £20 poorer but am very very happy with the 3-course meal I had, which were:

Chargrilled ciabatta rubbed with garlic, drizzled with olive oil and topped with one of the following... Tomatoes in season, basil and creamy ricotta
- Okay, this was by far my favourite dish of the night. It was so incredible. I could really taste the olive oil and the basil and even the tomatoes didn't taste vile. I would stand in line for a table (which goes on for quite a bit as no reservations are required) another day, just for this appetizer, and I am SO not kidding.

Main Course:

Pan fried garlicy prawns with tomatoes, chilli, rocket and fennel
- This was tasty as well. I've never had rocket in my pasta before, so this was new to my taste buds. But it worked pretty well to me. I might go for the smaller (non-main course) portion the next time I'm here if I was planning on having a 3-course meal though..

Served with raisins in a syrup-y thing. hahaha This was really good too! It's not too sweet, perfect for my picky taste~ A perfect ending to a perfect meal.. ^^

I really wish I had pictures coz I'm so excited to share my experience there. But the lighting in the restaurant was too dimmed, the food ended up looking really bad in the photos, and so I decided it wouldn't do any sort of justice to the way they actually taste. If you are up to spending money for any reason and you're craving good Italian, I'd recommend Jamie's. =D

ps: Yes, exam's over too! I forgot to mention it here. Incase anyone was wondering. I have now started 5th year stuff (even before our results come out... yeah, talk about presumtuous ><)

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