Thursday 13 May 2010

Exams... o_0

As CBT often promotes; a positive thought preceeds positive behaviours and feelings. So yes, heeding those words, I shall practice positive thinking skills, as of now!

So the positive things about exams:

1) It's humbling. The more you study, the more you realise that you're not all that smart like you thought you may have been. Honest. Beats the arrogance out of you like nothing else...

2) Teaches you to appreciate time, especially nearer exams..

3) Makes you look forward to the time you will have AFTER exams, not having to study...

4) Reminds you of what degree it is that you're taking in the 1st place... LOL!!

5) Brings you closer to God. There's nothing like the fear of the unknown to bring you closer to Him... How shameful of a slave am I... but it really is the truth

6) Brings you closer to your comrades as you fight on a common path, towards similar aim.. the knowledge you share... and knowing that the hope of getting through this fight unscathed TOGETHER keeps us working~

okay... I've run out of positive things to say about exams... so yeah, dah puas melepaskan perasaan... mari belajar ye rakan-rakan? Doakan kejayaan saya juga!! ^^

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