Monday 5 April 2010

Loyalty vs Sanity?

Note: This post is specially for those who know and support my intense current interest I will not apologise for writing on topics that others might deem 'superficial'. If you were expecting a post on humanity or world peace or everything else that's wrong with the world today, I warn you not to read ahead.

Okay. Although I've sworn to myself to not write about such matters in my blog, so as not to advertise my inner 'fangirl-ing self' to the world, but things have been so crazy lately that I've deicided to add my 2cents on it, even if it makes no difference to what is happening.

For those who don't already know, I'm going to talk about the heated battle, or should I say WAR between Jay's fans and 2PM's fans. What pushed me to this? Well, the other day I read a long post by a Korean fan telling that "You have to pick sides. There's no way that you can support all 7 of them. You're either for Jay or for 6PM. You can't be both" Well, my post is to say, "Yes, you can. You just can't be immature about it."

Ever since the conference that JYPE has stupidly put 2PM forth to advertise their alleged betrayal, fans have turned their backs on the very idols they have sworn their lives on to protect. I understand the connotation that they feel betrayed. I understand that they feel that if they don't absolutely hate 2PM, Jay would feel betrayed. So now they feel that they absolutely must pick sides.

Well, here's what I think. Do they ever stop and think about how Jay feels about them reacting this way? You know what this looks like to me? Kids throwing a tantrum because they cannot get what they want. And when my dongsaengs used to do that, my mom used to just ignore them and move on. They will stop and learn that life's shit. And you don't always get what you want, not even if you act up. Grow up people... What's sadder is that there are so many adult fans (who may even have children of their own) amongst these fans-turned-antis.

Why do we as fans have to pick sides? Why can't we support both parties? I mean it's not like picking between your mom and dad. To me, it's as simple as, when Jay makes a comeback in the ent. world, we buy his stuff. We go to his concerts. We cheer for him. We write in fan-forums. We sub his videos. And when 2PM makes a comeback, we just do absolutely the same. What's so difficult abt that? Love isn't a limited entity that has an expiry date. So why all this hating?

I don't even think the boys themselves are battling as hard as their fans are right now. For all we know, they might be on the phone ever other night while the fans are painstakingly cooking up new plans to put each other down. Oh come on people. For whatever reason that they did what they did, it's none of our business. Why are you taking everything like it's a personal act of betrayal? Why are you putting yourselves in a position to get hurt? How do you define the word 'fan' anyway?

Speaking of comebacks, now there's noise about 2PM's "sudden" plans for an Apr comeback. I'm not sure if you guys have gone senile, despite your high-school age, but way back in Dec/Jan when they had their goodbye stage for Heartbeat, they already said that they'll be back in April. So what's this about it being 'sudden' and 'it's an attempt to shut down Jay's public reappearance in the States'?? It was stated ages ago. So why make so much noise now?

Urgh. I have so much anger in me right now about this topic that I can't even possibly write them all down here. I just wish that they would just realise that 2PM deserves as much love as Jay. But I guess, for all the months Jay's been in hiding in Seattle since Sept till now, it's time for 2PM to feel the same. And if the cycle works out, the day when they will be loved again will come. I'm waiting for that to happen. Because I'm not ready to let them disappear into the abyss just yet. They're just 2 years old. They deserve a future, and so does Jay. And so, to answer my own predicament, I choose sanity over loyalty. It's just more sane to sit idly by and cheer for both parties, as what fans should do...

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