Wednesday 21 April 2010

Bad choices...

I am a self-proclaimed fan of the american tv series, "How I Met Your Mother".... It's pretty well known and I've been following it since the days of season 3, now it's on the 5th season.. I won't tell you here what the show is about, coz if you don't already know, you can google it ^^

The episode this week was about Ted making a bad choice in buying a wrecked house because he felt like his life was stagnant. He claimed that being party to his mother's 2nd wedding when he himself hasn't even been married once, is a bit too much for him to accept.

He said, "Everyone's moved on but me. And I'm exactly where I was 5 years ago. I'm sick of it."

It really hit home for me. Not the 'wanting to get married part' but almost everything else.. how everybody seems to be moving on but I'm just in the same place I've been in 4 years ago. I am still here. Still pretty much the same except fatter. I am still struggling with a degree I don't really care much about. I am still trying to figure out what I'm gonna do for the rest of my life. While my other friends just seem to have found their place in the world, I am still ...... well, just 'still'.....

And at the end of the episode, I was so touched when Marshall started a BBQ in Ted's broken down house because he knew his best friend was gonna stick by his delusions anyway and as his friend, he will stand by Ted. I hope that one day when I make a stupid/delusional decision I will have someone who knows me that well will stand by me just as well..

Me taking this degree may have been a bad choice.. or it may not.. I still don't know. I guess, only some time in the future can I look back and know for sure what it is.. For now, I just gotta pull through and then think about what to do...

ps: don't get me wrong, I love being overseas. I love having to study in English n not have to feel inadequate at my own mother tongue. I love the shopping here. I love the cold.. I just don't think I like medicine..


  1. babe, i'm hearing you..bout what Ted said & it hitting home for you.

    i dont hv any intelligent thing to say, except that i know how u feel. been wrestling with the same blunder/decision/stagnation every chance i get...along with the other stuff too.

    inbox me if u need hp & i r not in good terms right now. Take care.

    p/s : i dont watch How I Met Your Mother.

  2. there are days that I do want to become a doctor, or at least im at peace with the prospect of becoming a doctor for the rest of my life... so i dunno... maybe im meant to do this... for some odd reason, right? oh well... let's just get through medschool.. i'll think abt the future when i come to it, i guess..
